I went to the doctor yesterday and he said everything from the first surgery was healing well. He scheduled my second (and hopefully last) surgery for Monday morning at 7:30. I'll be in the hospital (Vanderbilt) until at least Wednesday. Once I get home, I'll be on bed-rest until I go back on the 10th for a post-op appointment. I won't be able to put any weight on my left foot for three months, after that we'll start physical therapy. (provided that Monday's surgery goes well) The doctor did mention that the coming surgery was much more serious and invasive than the first.
If you don't know what happened, I had a sledding accident on January 30th. I ran into a tree and broke both bones in my lower left leg, crushing my ankle. The first surgery was done on the 31st, where the doctor attached an Ex-Fix (steel frame on the outside of my leg) and fixed the tibia with a steel plate and screws.
I sincerely appreciate all the prayers, phone calls, cards, and kind words you have sent. It seems like everyday I get a card or an email from someone. It has been wonderful and encouraging to know I have so many people thinking about me!
I hope to get back to crafting in the next couple weeks. I have a craft room full of little projects just waiting for me to work on them! I would love to sew or paint something, but I have to be patient. If I don't let myself rest, It's going to take a lot longer to heal. So...I'm going to be a good girl and stay in bed...as much as I hate it. :(
Hope you're having a wonderful week!