
Monday, December 29, 2008

Just Starting to Blog

Hello and welcome!

I'm just starting to blog. I have wanted to start one for a few years, but since I haven't had a digital camera, I didn't feel like my words would be interesting enough. My wonderful inlaws gave me one for Christmas and I'm very excited!!! In the coming days I will add pictures of dresses, jewelry, handbags, etc...that I have designed, home decor that I love, and any other stuff that makes me happy.  My biggest New Year's Resolution is going to be "to do what makes me happy!" Two things in my life that already do gorgeous husband, of over ten years, Ricky and my absolutely beautiful daughter Crimson. Ricky's camera shy, so don't expect many pictures of him. Crimson however, is a future "super star!" (Her own words) So, you will probably see lots of her. (She IS my inspiration!)

See you again soon! Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!   
